Album Description
International Classical Music Award Winner 2012 for Early Music
Arguably the greatest composer of liturgical music of all time, Palestrina was a towering figure in Renaissance polyphony. On this disc The Sixteen explores some of the outstanding music he wrote for the Assumption including his Mass and Motet Assumpta est Maria. Without doubt, Palestrina was the great master of all Papal composers and his spiritual craft and harmonic vitality fulfilled the needs of the Vatican. The Ave Maria and Salve Regina, and the Offertory, also entitled Assumpta est Maria, are glorious examples of such work and can be heard in all their splendour on this recording.
The SixteenHarry Christophers
Behind-the-Scenes Video
Track Listing
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594)
1. Salve Regina
2. Assumpta est Maria a 6 (Motet)
Missa Assumpta est Maria
3. Kyrie
4. Gloria
5. Credo
6. Sanctus
7. Benedictus
8. Agnus Dei I & II
9. Ave Regina caelorum
Song of Songs Nos. 9-11
10. Tota pulchra es, amica mea
11. Vulnerasti cor meum, soror mea
12. Sicut lilium inter spinas
13. Diffusa est gratia
14. Assupmta est Maria a 5 (Offertory)
15. Ave Maria