Album Description
Harry Christophers and The Sixteen continue their exploration of Palestrina's great work with the fifth disc in their celebrated series.This album features a selection of Palestrina’s music for Pentecost including his Missa Iam Christus astra ascenderat. Alongside the Mass are motets from the Song of Songs. The Song of Songs are among some of Palestrina’s most sublime and expressive works and, as with previous disc in the series, this album includes three of them. Dedicated to Pope Gregory XIII, Palestrina’s style of writing for these sensual texts demonstrates what variety and intensity of feeling can be conveyed with the simplest of means.
The SixteenHarry Christophers
Track Listing:
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594)
1. Dum complerentur
2. Loquebantur variis linguis
3. Veni Creator Spiritus
4. Plainchant Hymn: Iam Christus astra ascenderat
Missa Iam Christus astra ascenderat
5. Kyrie
6. Gloria
7. Credo
8. Sanctus
9. Benedictus
10. Agnus Dei
11. Veni Sancte Spiritus
Song of Songs Nos. 13, 14 & 15
12. Laeva eius sub capite meo
13. Vox dilecti mei
14. Surge, propera, amica mea
15. Magnificat quarti toni