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Robert Carver. Album by The Sixteen

Robert Carver. Album by The Sixteen

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Album Description

The massive granite-like choral writing of early 16th-century Scottish choral music is here displayed in Carver’s magnificent nineteen-voice votive antiphon O bone Jesu, written for James IV King of Scots. The large-scale Missa Dum sacrum mysterium with its sumptuous polyphony may well have been sung at the coronation of James V in 1513.

Carver’s unique and compelling sound world is recreated here with polish and conviction by The Sixteen.


The Sixteen
Harry Christophers

Track Listing

Robert Carver (c.1487-after 1566)
1. Plainsong: Dum sacrum mysterium

Missa Dum sacrum mysterium
2. Gloria 
3. Credo 
4. Sanctus 
5. Benedictus 
6. Agnus Dei 

7. Magnificat - 7th tone faburden (Anon from the Carver Choirbook)

8. O bone Jesu a19